Hazel - Year 3 2024 - 2025

Mrs Jones

Welcome to Hazel Class!

We are very fortunate to have lots of adults helping us in Hazel Class. Our class teachers are Mrs Jones (Tues-Fri), Miss Wilson (Mon) and Mr Grimster (Tuesday and Wednesday PE). Our fabulous teaching assistant is Mrs Holder. 



Autumn 1 -  We're making a big splash into Year 3 with our sea-theamed topics this half term. This is linked to our class book, Seal Surfer by Michael Foreman. To see an overview of all our other topics, check out our topic map in the attached files or our Long Term Plan. 

Autumn 2 - Let it snow! We are diving into all things wintery this half term with our class book, Winter's Child by Angela McAllister. Please see the topic map, attached for links to our other subjects. We also have Forest School this half term...perfect for warming hands up around the camp fire and making some delicious winter stew, packed full of seasonal vegetables.  

Spring 1 - Rock and Roll! We are delving deep underground and deep into history this half term with our Stone Age focus as well as our Rocks and Fossils unit in science. We are linking this to our English book, Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura. Please see the topic web for our other links and topics this half term.  

Spring 2 - Deep, deep down! We are going deep underwater this half term and exploring some rather large sea creatures. We are also investigating magnetic pulls and pushes and the relationship between magnets and the North and South Poles. As part of our ocean studies, we will be taking a trip to Blue Planet Aquarium!

Summer 1 - Voyages and Discoveries! We're going on a journey with our topic this half term...namely with our English book, 'Journey' by Aaron Becker.  We will be tackling the Iron Age in History as well as creating our own sunset paintings to encapsulate an aspect of a voyage. Please see our topic map (attached) for our other linked topics. 

Summer 2 - From Africa to France! We are using our English book, 'Zeraffa Giraffa' by Dianne Hofmeyr as a springboard for our topic. We will beresearching who developed the Eiffel Tower in Art as well as building cranes in DT. We will also be exploring the path taken by Zeraffa from Africa through to France in Geography. We will also be developing a tourism leaflet in Computing. Please see our topic map for our other linked topics. 

Rewards/ Behaviour 

As a school, one way we award positive behaviour is through Class Dojo. We get these when we are well behaved and when we do great work. It is very exciting to see which monster will have the most points at the end of the week and half term. We have also now introduced a Class Dojo 'shop' where pupils can 'spend' their dojos on a prize for themselves or their class.

We celebrate lots of different achivements in the week. We have a mathematician and writer of the week, reader of the week and a Values Champion - someone who has been a positive role model in the class. All these awards will be handed out in Celebration Assembly on a Friday. We also send home a weekly email to parents/carers for our "achiever" of the week and our Super Scientist of the week will have their name displayed on a class certificate for all to see. In addition to all of these, we are now also celebrating our handwriting champions of the week for those who are demonstrating extra effort in their handwriting across subjects. 



PE will take place on  Tuesday morning and Wednesday afternoon.  Please can you ensure your child comes into school wearing their full PE kit, suitable for outdoors (dark blue or black hoodie and shorts/leggings and a white T-shirt).This includes appropriate footwear (black pumps or trainers).  



We reward our readers! We ask that children in Year 3 read four times a week. We would encourage the children to read a range of different texts. This could range from a magazine to novels to poetry! We reward this effort at home with dojos in class and golden tickets. In line with the school procedures, reading books will be changed by an adult on Tuesdays. Children are also welcome to read books from home as well and document these in their reading records. If you need support with what type of comprehension questions to ask your child, just let us know and we can provide some ideas. 

Please also send in some photos of your child reading in an unusual place- we love putting these up on display!



Children are encouraged to bring a healthy snack (e.g fruit, veggie sticks, cereal bars, etc.) in for break as this is unfortunately no longer provided in Key Stage 2. Please also bring in a water bottle every day. Thanks! 



Homework is set every Friday and due in by the following Tuesday. Homework is either a Maths or English task. Spelling homework will also be sent home. As times tables are also completed almost daily at school, we also encourage children to practise their times tables at home on a regular basis. As such, Times Table Rock Stars have been made available for the class and all have been given a log in for this. 

There will also be a menu of options for one half-termly project. These creative pieces of work allow children to explore our topic in more depth at home and also give them the opportunity to share their learning with the class.


If you have any questions, queries or problems please do not hesitate to ask a member of the Hazel Team. We're all very much looking forward to an exciting and successful academic year!

Thank you!


Files to Download

Hazel - Year 3: News items

Chester Zoo Assembly, by Mrs Carruthers

Champions of the Week 18.10.24, by Mrs Carruthers

Hazel - Year 3: Blog items

There are no blog items to display

Hazel - Year 3: Galleries items

Family Member to School, by Mrs Carruthers

MacMillan Cake Sale, by Mrs Carruthers

Languages Day, by Mrs Carruthers

Hazel - Year 3: Calendar items