Eden - ASC resourced provision 2023 - 2024

Mrs Wright

Eden Class

2023 – 2024

Welcome to Eden, our ASC Resourced Provision.


I am Mrs Wright and I am the class teacher. 

I am supported by a fantastic team in the provision:

Mrs Carline, Mrs Gerrard and Ms Rahman

Mrs Gittins and Miss Sudlow support our children over lunchtime. 


More About Eden

Eden is our 10 place resourced provision at Upton Westlea for children with a diagnosis of Autism, also known as ASC or ASD.   Places within Eden are allocated by the SEN assessment and monitoring team at Cheshire West and Chester. All children who are allocated a place have a diagnosis and a EHCP (Education Health and Care Plan). 


Curriculum and Learning

In Eden, children are taught using a thematic, multi-sensory approach to learning. We constantly strive to engage children in a broad and balanced curriculum, whilst prioritising the aims of the individual targets on their EHCPs.  We aim to base learning around quality texts and provide learning experiences that are pitched to their individual needs and interests.

Every child has a Personalised Learning Plan where we look at their individual targets and areas of interest.   Every child is unique and so too their curriculum should be.


We aim to deliver a broad and balanced curriculum, tailored to the needs of the individual children and will include all areas of the Early Years and/or National Curriculum. 


Mighty Oaks

Children who are in Key Stage 2 usually become a Mighty Oak.  

Mini Oaks

Children in Key Stage 1 and/or those requiring additional support such as SALT become a Mini Oak. 

Little Acorns

Children in Early Years or those beginning to engage in subject specific learning will become a Little Acorn.


Children who are not yet able to access subject specific learning will follow The Engagment Model and will become a Seedling.

 As staff we liaisie closely with oustide agencies such as SALT to deliver individual targets and strategies such as Intensive Interaction, Sabotage.

Attention Autism is incorpoated into daily activities.  



See the source image



PE will take place every Thursday afternoon. Please can you ensure your child comes into school wearing their full PE kit (White PE T-shirt, Black/Blue leggings/ tracksuit bottoms, Black/Blue hoodie) This includes appropriate footwear. 

You do not need to bring a change of clothes. 

Some children will integrate into their mainstream classes for PE too and this information will be shared via Dojo.


Forest School

Forest School will take place everyTuesday morning. Please can you ensure your child comes into school wearing their Forest School clothes, suitable for outdoors and they must wear a suitable coat and wellies. It is highly likely your child will need a change of clothing, as we go out in all weathers. 

If you have any questions, queries or problems please do not hesitate to ask a member of staff or message me on class dojo.


Reading at home

We strongly envourage children to read at home as often as possble.  Depending on the age and stage of the child, this may involve sharing books, book banded books or novels in both fiction and non fiction.

Children gain a great deal from being read to by an adult or older sibling.  Reading to your child from birth, even for just a few minutes a day, gives them the comfort of hearing your voice and it increases their exposure to language.  Through hearing stories, children are exposed to a wide range of words. This helps them build their own vocabulary and improve their understanding when they listen, which is vital as they start to read. 


See the source image




Files to Download

Eden - ASC resourced provision: News items

Achievers of the Week, by Mrs Carruthers

Eden - ASC resourced provision: Blog items

There are no blog items to display

Eden - ASC resourced provision: Galleries items

Our busy Autumn Term 2023, by Mrs Wright

Eden - ASC resourced provision: Calendar items

Week 1, by Mrs Evington

School Re-Opens, by Mrs Evington